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How Two Sisters Created Their Custom Eyewear

by Alvaro Cordova

Bespoke eyewear profile

Two Sisters with different styles

Indulge in the extraordinary opportunity to design your own eyewear at our practice. As an eyewear designer, I feel privileged to witness the creativity and individuality that emerges through our custom eyewear services. One memorable experience involved two sisters who embarked on a journey to create a distinct style that was entirely their own. We firmly believe that custom eyewear is the way forward in the industry, providing a solution to the challenge of coordinating looks with others.

Bespoke eyewear front

Two sisters with different styles but used inverted colors of Matte Bronze and Gold

Currently, the landscape of glasses trends appears fragmented, with a leaning towards larger eye wire sizes and translucent colors in plastic frames. However, it comes as no surprise that these two sisters, who have shared countless experiences together, chose to defy the norms. They opted for frames with inverted color schemes, both crafted from lightweight and durable titanium, known for its strength. While one sister preferred a bold and oversized design, the other favored a slightly smaller frame that complemented her sibling’s style.

Our design process commences with a digital scan of each individual’s face, capturing precise measurements and contours. Leveraging cutting-edge software developed by 3DNA, we then apply modifications to shape, frame dimensions, and temple colors, resulting in truly custom eyewear. The shape determination takes into account not only facial features but also personal preferences, ensuring a perfect blend of comfort and style.

One remarkable highlight was the sisters’ selection of the same color scheme for their custom eyewear, but with an intriguing twist: they inverted the color placement. This ingenious approach allowed them to incorporate their favorite colors in a fresh and innovative manner, achieving a harmonious look that beautifully complemented each other while avoiding any duplication. At our eye doctor’s practice, we celebrate such creative custom eyewear choices, enabling individuals to express their unique style through personalized designs.

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