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Crystal Eyecare serves Holmdel New Jersey

located at 226 Middle Road STE 6 Hazlet NJ 07730

This post is a simple reminder to the Holmdel, NJ residents that we are here to help you with all of your vision and optical needs. We offer a wide array of services including low vision, bespoke eyewear, specialty contact lens fittings for those with keratoconus or other corneal degenerative disease. From infants as young as 6 months to those in their 100s, we have served the Holmdel NJ area for over 10 years offering routine, comprehensive eye exams by compassionate eye doctors and staff. We would be honored to help you see your best.

We are located right on the border of Holmdel and Hazlet, New Jersey. We are located on Route 35 in Middletown before the bridge into Red Bank. We strive to treat you like a human being. We understand the trust you put into trusting us with your eyes and we do not take that responsibility lightly. We pride ourselves on being thorough and empowering you with the knowledge to take any necessary steps to see your best.

We have a philosophy that’s very simple but has served us very well: We hold the mantra of “Make things better than you found them.” That is to say, whenever you come into Crystal Eyecare we make a concerted effort to make you feel like a member of our eye care family. Whether you want to repair your glasses, buy contact lenses, or need an adjustment we try to go the extra mile. We do not take your patronage for granted. As icing on the cake, we have a 3D Printer on site which is an amazing piece of technology that allows us to help parents entertain their children while they wait for their exams. This allows them to learn and not exhaust a child’s patience as they view the process as fun and entertaining.


280 NJ-35, Red Bank, NJ 07701